Daisuke Aoki, the CEO and representative managing director of DSTYLE, has participated in the JB TOP 50 tournament since 2005. In 2015, Aoki won the Angler of the Year of the TOP 50 tournament and the Basser Allstar Classic title, as well as the magazine events "Riku-O (Bank King)" and "Tei-O (Boat King)," proving himself to be the best professional bass angler on the active list, with or without a boat.
Occupation: Professional bass angler

Tournament Records
2007 JB Japan Super Bass Classic Winner
2008 JB TOP 50 AOY
2010 JB ELITE 5 Winner
2011 JB ELITE 5 Winner
2012 JB Japan Super Bass Classic Winner
2014 JB ELITE 5 Winner
2014 Basser Allstar Classic Winner
2015 JB TOP 50 AOY V2
2015 Basser Allstar Classic Winner V2
2017 JB TOP 50 AOY V3

Brand Concept
For All MAD Anglers
Arms to win
To win the fierce competition of tournaments, it is absolutely necessary to be armed with the best tackles.
More fish, bigger fish or both of them than others. Top competitors need ultimate and irreplaceable arms to win.
Seek for Playful Mind
To enjoy fishing, though completely opposite of fierce fights in tournaments, is also an important factor to DSTYLE.We offer items to enjoy fishing that reflects our playful minds.
Stick with Fields
“Arms to win” that are born in the ultimate tensed feeling of tournaments.
“Playful minds” to create items to enjoy fishing.
DSTYLE make both approaches based on information directly acquired from fishing in the fields. Fields never lie. Fields are always honest.
DSYTLE strictly sticks with product development based on the experiences and testing in the fields with no compromise. There is no word "This is just fine" in the DSTYLE product development. We always have solid reasons for each material, shape, component and color of products.
Make products that are indispensible to win. Make products that we want.
It's a simple but the most important principle.
Our mission is to provide answers with anglers who seek for the ultimate.
Our overseas distributor
Company : Japan Import Tackle
https://www.japanimporttackle.com/ -
Company :Tackle1
https://tackle1.ca/ -
Company : JML Trading Pty Ltd
https://www.jmlaa.com/ -
China / Taiwan
Company : LEGIT DESIGN International Co., Ltd